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50 recipes to cure bad breath, 58 Stroke meal recipes, 70 overweight and obesity meal recipes, 70 breast cancer meal recipes, 53 fatigue and low energy meal recipes, 36 cavity gum disease oral cancer meal recipes, 51 pregnancy meal recipes, 55 immune system meal recipes, 43 loss of vision meal recipes, 70 weight gaining meal recipes, 53 stress meal recipes, 52 sore throat meal recipes, 47 fever meal recipes, 45 breastmilk meal recipes, 50 wart anf fungus meal recipes
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50 recipes to cure bad breath, 58 Stroke meal recipes, 70 overweight and obesity meal recipes, 70 breast cancer meal recipes, 53 fatigue and low energy meal recipes, 36 cavity gum disease oral cancer meal recipes, 51 pregnancy meal recipes, 55 immune system meal recipes, 43 loss of vision meal recipes, 70 weight gaining meal recipes, 53 stress meal recipes, 52 sore throat meal recipes, 47 fever meal recipes, 45 breastmilk meal recipes, 50 wart anf fungus meal recipes



on 26 Mar 2017
Year of Creation
Copyright Claimant
Joe Correa
Registration Number
on 26 Mar 2017

Copyright Summary

The U.S. Copyright record (Registration Number: TXu002043157) dated 26 Mar 2017, pertains to an electronic file (eService) titled "50 recipes to cure bad breath, 58 Stroke meal recipes, 70 overweight and obesity meal recipes, 70 breast cancer meal recipes, 53 fatigue and low energy meal recipes, 36 cavity gum disease oral cancer meal recipes, 51 pregnancy meal recipes, 55 immune system meal recipes, 43 loss of vision meal recipes, 70 weight gaining meal recipes, 53 stress meal recipes, 52 sore throat meal recipes, 47 fever meal recipes, 45 breastmilk meal recipes, 50 wart anf fungus meal recipes" created in 2016. The copyright holder is Joe Correa, known for their creative contributions in text registration. For any inquiries concerning this copyrighted material, kindly reach out to Joe Correa.

Copyright Details

Copyright Claimant
Joe Correa

Application Details

Registration Number
Registration Date
Year of Creation
Agency Marc Code
Record Status
Physical Description
Electronic file (eService)

Personal Authors


Local Copyright Note: Basis for Registration: Unpublished collection


Application Title Statement: 50 recipes to cure bad breath, 58 Stroke meal recipes, 70 overweight and obesity meal recipes, 70 breast cancer meal recipes, 53 fatigue and low energy meal recipes, 36 cavity gum disease oral cancer meal recipes, 51 pregnancy meal recipes, 55 immune system meal recipes, 43 loss of vision meal recipes, 70 weight gaining meal recipes, 53 stress meal recipes, 52 sore throat meal recipes, 47 fever meal recipes, 45 breastmilk meal recipes, 50 wart anf fungus meal recipes
Author Statement: Joe Correa Domicile: United States Citizenship: United States Authorship: text
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